Curriculum Vitae

contact: Judy Stone

Curriculum Vitae

MFA, 2009, Maryland Institute College of Art, Rinehart School of Sculpture, Baltimore, MD
Teaching Certificate, 2008, College Teaching of Art, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
BA, 2006, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Teaching Experience
Fall 2009 University of Maryland, College Park, MD, ARTT200, sections 102 and 104.
Three Dimensional Art Fundamentals. Two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week. Fundamental concepts of three-dimensional form and space examined through the manipulation and organization of various materials.
Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD, FF101.
Sculptural Forms. Principles of three-dimensional thinking form the groundwork for all design, planning, and building of forms in real space. Functional objects and utilitarian forms, sculpture and site-oriented materials, students investigate three-dimensional ideas and decision making.
2009 Visiting Artist, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Lecture series to photography class on The Body, Performance, and Photography.
Teaching Internships, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Performance Studies and Cyberspace Theory (Upper level, Theory) A critical inquiry into what constitutes performance in ritual, art, and cyberspace interaction. As a new and interdisciplinary field, performance studies merge philosophy, anthropology, sociology, theatre, art, and new media as a way to both blur and redefine the performative boundaries within theoretical frameworks. Led class discussion and assisted in lectures regarding contemporary theory of cyber- and time-based media.
Elements of Visual Thinking (Foundations): A two semester, first-year level level, in-depth investigation into the concepts and principles of visual organization that are fundamental to all forms of visual art. Through one-on-one meetings and group critiques, led students through analysis of problems and personal inquiry in order to develop vocabulary, technical skills, and critical awareness for creative visual expression including writing, drawing, sculpture, painting, ceramics, installation, video, and performance. Assisted with first-year level student integration with campus life, including scheduling, financial aid, and choice of major.
Assistantships, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Graduate Program Assistant, Department of Graduate Research (Graduate level, Graduate Research): Nominated by Program Director to assist in coordination and scheduling of visiting artists. Acted as liaison between director, department and Office of Graduate Research, facilitated first and second year graduate student integration on campus, coordinated first and second year graduate thesis shows, assisted in all affairs between director and program students, including individual meetings and critiques with graduate students.
Studio Writing Program Assistant and Advisor, Fibers Department (Senior level, Fibers): Assisted advanced students in the independent development of a coherent body of work completed during the senior year for final presentation to a jury selected from the sculptural studies faculty and guest critics. Periodic critiques to discuss progress, content, and process relating to thesis work and writing components in order to develop conceptual and writing skills and to formulate thesis objectives and final thesis statement.
2008 Teaching Internships, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Wandering: Psychogeographical Exploration of Space and Place (Senior and Graduate level, Sculpture): A critical inquiry and studio course that cross-pollinates between studio practice, fieldwork, theory, environmental psychology, philosophy, and geography. Introduction to students of the artistic discourse concerning the Situationists and the aesthetic practice of dérive. Individual studio visits and group critiques are a vital part of this course. Students employed sculpture, site- specific works and performative interventions culminating in a class exhibition at the Middendorf Gallery (Baltimore, MD). Coordinated and assisted in technical and spatial exhibition installation of student work including video, sculpture, performance, painting, installation, and spoken word.
Interdisciplinary Sculpture: Senior Independent (Senior level, Sculpture): Development of independent studio and research practice enabling senior-level students to complete a coherent body of work for final thesis show. Focus on the conceptual and formal aspects of student work such that the form and content work together as a unified whole. Equally important is designing how work will be presented for the thesis exhibition. Focus on critiques and discussions, reading assignments, panel discussions and individual studio visits. Integrated issues in contemporary art, culture and thought.
Elements of Visual Thinking (Foundations): See description above.
Sculptural Forms (Foundations): Introduction of formal sculptural processes including basic building and woodworking skills, sculptural materials, methods of attachment and adhesives, recontextualization of objects, integration of the body into sculpture, introduction of sculptural critique. Strong one-to-one relationship with students with emphasis on building and materiality.
Assistantships, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Graduate Program Assistant, Department of Graduate Research (Graduate level): See description above.
Writing Assistantship, Senior Thesis advisor, Fibers Department (Senior level): See description above.
2007 Teaching Internships, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Introduction to Sculpture (Foundation Course): Development of three dimensional problem solving skills with an introduction to techniques with wood, basic metal working techniques such as arc-welding, soldering, and brazing, basic casting techniques in plaster, alginate, and rubber. Introduction of contemporary sculptors, aesthetics, and theory.
2006 Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Two Dimensional Art Fundamentals (Foundation Course): Principles and elements of two- dimensional design. Introduction to visual communication through traditional and contemporary processes. Introduction to line, value, color, volume, shape, interval, scale, pattern, and other elements of design to achieve an awareness of formal relationships and an appreciation for the way they suggest and amplify meaning in art. Examination of the visual grammar shared by all two- dimensional art.

Teaching Interests
Post-colonial Discourse; Site Specificity; Absence, Presence and the Body; Eastern Thought and Practice; Performance Theory; Video, New Media and Cyber-Theory; Geomancy and Urban Exploration.
Sculpture: Mold-making and casting for metals, alginates, rubbers; Multi-media installation including video and some electronics; Model making and 3D rendering with Sketchup; Basic metalworking and welding; Woodworking and light construction; Wire and mesh construction.
Drawing: Figurative and non-figurative drawing; Drawing without mark-making; Drawing with time and space, Basic knowledge of Photoshop.
Performance and Video: Basic knowledge of Final Cut.

Awards and Honors
2009 Full Fellowship, Virginia Center for The Creative Arts, Amherst, VA
Artist Grant, Vermont Studio Center, Johnston, VT
Rinehart Award, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2008 Nominee, Dedalus Foundation Grant, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Roberta Polevoy Award, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Kramer Merit Award, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
2007 Merit Award, Rinehart School of Sculpture, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Artist-in-Residence, Greenbelt Art Center, Greenbelt, MD
2006 Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship Recipient, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Warton Award, 1st Place Winner, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Selections, Purchase Award, Union Gallery, College Park, MD
Sadat Art for Peace Prize, 1st Place Winner, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
2005 Sadat Art for Peace Prize, 2nd Place Winner University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Architectural & Contemporary Large-Scale Work, Juror’s Award, 1111 Sculpture Space, Washington, DC

Solo Exhibitions
2009 International Arts and Artist Hillyer Gallery, Spirit : video, multimedia installation,
Washington, DC
2008 Fall Solo Performance Series, Arlington Arts Center, Charged Spaces : performance, video, Arlington, VA
2007 Atlas Performing Arts Center, Tremble : works on paper, Washington, DC
Studio Forty25, New Works on Paper by Judy Stone : works on paper, Richmond, VA

Group Exhibitions
2009 Artscape Baltimore, Holtzman Gallery, Genesis of Form, Towson, MD
Decker Gallery, Trawick Affiliated Show, Baltimore, MD
2008 Middendorf Gallery, Wandering, Baltimore, MD
Woodman Studios, Small Work, Silver Spring, MD
Pinkert Gallery, Philosophy, Baltimore, MD
Fox 3 Gallery, 113th, Baltimore, MD
2007 Fox 3 Gallery, Alight!, Baltimore, MD
Greenbelt Center, Formed and Transformed, Greenbelt, MD
EWI Gallery, Citizen Artist, Alexandria, VA
2006 Union Gallery, Selections, College Park, MD
Blackbox Theatre, Performance Project: Blackbox, College Park, MD
GalleryThe, Brink, Brooklyn, NY
West Gallery, Deluge: Honors Thesis Show, College Park, MD
University of Maryland, Sadat Art for Peace Competition, College Park, MD
Union Gallery, Works, College Park, MD
2005 Caladan Gallery, Contemporary Icons, Beverly, MA
Union Gallery, Works, College Park, MD
1111 Sculpture Space, Architectural & Contemporary Large-Scale Work, Washington, DC
Substation, SUBSTATION: student work juried by Kendall Buster, Baltimore, MD

Videography and Performance
2009 eatdeatheat, video installation
2008 Praxis (for Kali), 2-channel video installation
Upswing, Performance
Charged Space, Performance
2006 Good job, Brownie, Still/video documentation of three month long performance.
Arbre Noir for Emily D. 4-channel video installation.
Pitcher, Performance.
Vanishing Lady Act, Performance.

Public Commissions
Bon Air Memorial Rose Garden, Arlington, VA, 2004, 2006

University of Maryland
Jehan and Anwar Sadat
Mohamed ElBaradei, 2005 Nobel Peace Prize Winner